Hey, future author - are you feeling...


You've wanted to write your novel for as long as you can remember. You know there's a story inside you - but you have no idea how to turn the idea into reality


There's so much advice out there for new writers - how are you supposed to know which methods you should be following? And why does it seem so much easier for everyone else?


You've tried to get started so many times, and every time it's the same. The words on the page are never as good as the words in your head. You're wondering if you're cut out to write a novel.


You feel isolated on your writing journey with no idea where to turn for help. You long for connection and support from someone who understands the process.

writer with head in hands at laptop

I see you. And I'm here to help.

I see your commitment to this novel you’ve always wanted to write. 

I see you turning up to your writing desk, time and again, ready to start.

I see you staring at a blank page, not knowing where to begin. 

I see your frustration as the words just won’t come out of your head the way they’re supposed to.

I see you desperately wondering if you’re cut out to write a novel.

I see you wishing there was some way to just make this whole thing feel just a little bit more… possible.

Rachael's passion for writing was contagious and brought the joy and excitement of writing back to me. Highly recommended!

Hi, I'm Rachael. And I KNOW you can write this novel.

I’ve been writing stories since I was old enough to hold a pen, published since 2003, and I’ve spent the past ten years helping emerging authors find their voice. 

I’ve worked with new writers at every stage of their creative path, and I created The Writer’s Launchpad as a way to pass on the expertise I’ve gained from so many years of industry, teaching, and mentoring experience.

The Writer’s Launchpad is designed to help you break through your creative barriers and equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to get that novel started. And, because I don’t just want you to start your first draft, the course will also give you the tools and the know-how to keep writing until your novel is complete.

Introducing: The Writer's Launchpad

expert help

access the novel-writing skills and knowledge of a traditionally published author with 20 years of industry experience

personalised support

get answers to all your questions and immediate solutions to your writing challenges with 6 months of group mentoring

step-by-step guidance

easy-to-complete, bite-sized lessons take you through everything you need to know to get started on your journey at a steady pace

Rachael is an excellent teacher: she is warm, hilarious, and encouraging, with tailored guidance no matter the level or issue you are experiencing as a writer. This course gave me the confidence to do what I’ve wanted to do for so long!

Module 1: Mindset

This module will help you discover the best creative process for you as a writer. We’ll look at common mindset issues that get in the way of starting or progressing your novel, and we’ll go through exercises designed specifically to help you push back against obstacles and Imposter Syndrome.

Module 2: Clarity

Module 2 will help you brainstorm ideas for your novel. By the end of this module, you’ll have a basic premise in place and a clear idea of what your novel is about. You’ll gain a clear understanding of narrative structure, and I’ll help you work out what is the best framework for plotting your novel – if that’s what you want to do. 

Module 3: Character

In Module 3, we’re going to spend some time really getting to know your main characters in all their dimensions and hidden complexities. We’ll look at how character and narrative are intertwined, and you’ll gain an understanding of how to weave the two together in your novel. By the end of it, you’ll know your characters inside out, and you’ll have a clear grasp of who – or what – your antagonist might be.

Module 4: Success

Finally, Module 4 will look ahead to the entirety of your novel-writing journey and equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to finish your draft. You’ll learn about the “danger points” where novels are most likely to be abandoned, and you’ll access the tools you need to push through. And remember – The Writer’s Launchpad includes 6 months of group membership, so you’ll always have somewhere to go for help.

Questions? I have answers!

What if I'm not sure if The Writer's Launchpad is right for me?

No worries – you can book a free 15-minute discovery call with me here to chat through your questions. No hard sell and no hard feelings if you decide against moving forward with  the course – if it’s not right for you, then I’ll try to signpost you towards other writing resources that might be a better fit.

As much or as little as you like.

I get it. Sometimes life just gets in the way of your writing and you just can’t set aside two, three, ten hours per week to work on your novel. And The Writer’s Launchpad is designed with your busy lifestyle in mind. No individual video is longer than 20 minutes, and most are a lot shorter than that. The exercises are designed to fit into your day – you don’t need to set aside time you don’t have.

And the best news? You have lifetime access to the course materials. So you can work your way through The Writer’s Launchpad at a pace that suits YOU.

By the time you’ve completed The Writer’s Launchpad – as long as you complete all the exercises – you will have all of your novel planning in place.

You’ll know exactly what your novel is about,you’ll have as much clarity about the narrative and its structure as you need to complete your draft, and you’ll understand how to apply all of your knowledge so that you don’t have to stop and start and stop and start again as you work your way through the chapters.

You’ll know how much time you need to devote to writing so that you can get your novel written without adding stress to your busy life. You’ll know how to KEEP writing when life gets even busier, and you’ll have the skills to keep your writing on track if you need to take your foot of the gas for a bit.

You’ll know what makes YOU write and you’ll know what stops you from writing – and how to get past that. And you’ll know exactly what to expect from the novel-writing process so that you don’t slow down when you hit a bump in the road.

I’m very glad you asked! 

This isn’t any old “follow my rules and I’ll show you how to write a novel” course. There’s nothing inherently wrong with courses like that, but the danger is that you pick one that doesn’t match your own creative process, it doesn’t work for you (because it doesn’t match your creative process), and then you start to worry that the problem is with YOU as a writer, when in fact it’s just that you’re trying to write in a way that’s wrong for you.

I’ve been teaching and mentoring new writers for a decade, and I’ve seen this happen too many times.

So, my course is designed to show you how to work WITH your process so that you set up a writing routine that works for you. You’ll learn all the skills you need to get writing and keep writing, but you’ll learn them in a way that allows you to use those skills to serve you and your writing – not the other way around.

Plus, with 6 months of group mentoring included with the course, you’ll have direct access to me and my 20 years of publishing experience if you’re ever in any doubt about how to get the most out of your newfound skills.

I’ve been doing this a long time. Authors I’ve worked with have gone on to win prizes, secure publishing deals, and gain admission to prestigious writing degrees.

I’d love for you to share in that kind of success.

Okay, but what does it cost?

Other courses with a similar level of learning material and student transformation sell for hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

I want my course to be accessible to as many writers as possible. So I don’t want to charge hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

In fact, until 31 December 2024, you can purchase lifetime access to The Writer’s Launchpad, all the course materials, AND 6 months of group mentoring for just £98.50 (around US $125).

Group mentoring membership alone sells for £144 per year – and you’ll get it completely free of charge for 6 months when you sign up to The Writer’s Launchpad.

Plus, if you feel like you could do with some one-to-one mentoring, you’ll get a special discounted rate as a Writer’s Launchpad student.

Rachael has guided me through the process since the beginning and has been tremendous support. At times I have lacked motivation and self-confidence and have wanted to throw in the towel, but Rachael has encouraged me to keep going on this exciting novel-writing journey!

Hey, future author - you've got this

Although it might not feel like it right now… you have GOT this.

How do I know? Because I’ve worked with countless writers just like you, whose novel was like a fire inside them. They needed to get the words out of their head and onto the page. They just didn’t know how.

So I shared with them the skills I’ve developed over my twenty-year career as a traditionally published author. And they got their novels written.

You can too. You just need a little pointer in the right direction. And that’s what The Writer’s Launchpad is going to give you.

I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you.

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