editing & mentoring

professional & affordable 1:1 help with your writing

I’m an experienced mentor and development editor and I love to work 1:1 with writers who want to make their manuscript the best it can be. I’m based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but I work with students online (via Google Meet), and my clients come from all over the world.

Together, we’ll look at your narrative arc, your structure, your characterspoint of view and more. I’ll identify areas where your writing could benefit from a bit of attention and make suggestions to help you solve any issues that arise. I’ll also let you know which bits are working and why, so that you don’t lose sight of why your writing is important! 

You can also book a free 15-minute chat with me (via Google Meet or telephone) to see what might be the right solution for you before committing to an editorial package. If I don’t think you need a paid edit or mentorship, I won’t be afraid to tell you – sometimes a chat with a professional is all it takes to get the writing flowing again.

editing packages

A professional development edit on your novel or short story with detailed feedback and suggestions to help you make your manuscript shine.

mentoring packages

Focused 1:1 support tailored to the individual author, designed to help you find and maintain your creative flow. Long and short-term help available.

Synopsis and cover letter edit for emerging authors

synopsis | cover letter

Give your submission its best chance of success with a professional review and edit of your synopsis, cover letter, or both.

writer's block buster

writer's block buster

Has your writing project hit a wall? This laser-focused 1-hour session will get to the bottom of your writer’s block and set you back on track.


Absolutely! I love working with writers on their novels. Anything over 20,000 words is charged at a flat rate of £15 per 1,000 words. So for a 100,000 word novel, you would pay £650 for the first 20,000 words, then £15 per 1,000 words after that. If you’d like to book an edit on your full-length novel, please get in touch with me in advance so we can discuss a schedule that works for both of us.

Yes you can. If, for example, you book a 10,000 word package but you only want to send me 8,000 words of your novel, you might choose to include a 1,000 word synopsis and a 1,000 word plot breakdown too. As long as the documents all relate to the same project, I’m more than happy to look at ancillary material as well.

​Absolutely! I charge a reduced rate (£0.01 per word) to look at work that’s been rewritten after one of my editorial packages. You can choose to send me excerpts rather than the full document if there are particular sections you’d like me to focus on specifically. Drop me a line and we’ll take it from there.

No, that’s a different sort of edit and I leave it to the folks who specialise in that area.

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